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The Laser Method of Removing Tattoos


Among the youths in the modern world, the word tattoo has become very common and familiar. Basically tattoos are ink markings that are made on the human skin using needles. The indelible ink is deposited on the layer of the skin called the dermis in large pigments that cannot be absorbed by the body using normal body mechanisms.


The fact that ink pigments on the dermis cannot be absorbed by the body is what for a long time led people to believe that tattoos are permanent and irremovable. Things have changed in the modern world now that there are methods that can be used to remove tattoos. The removal methods involve treatments that can remove tattoos fully or partially as desired or as dictated by efficiency of the selected method.


The most common method of removing tattoos is the laser tattoo removal method. This method is non-invasive, meaning that it does not actually remove ink pigments from the dermis. The laser tattoo removal method works by breaking up large ink pigments on the skin into smaller particles that can then be subjected to normal body mechanisms that lead to their absorption into the body.


A laser is the tool used to carry out laser tattoo removal Essex. The laser emits energy of proportional measure to the ink pigment to be removed. This energy then breaks down the pigments into smaller parts that can be absorbed by the body hence the tattoo is eliminated. Notable though is that the energy emitted must be precise and well timed so as not to hurt other body tissues.


All types of pigments can be removed by lasers though researchers have established that it is easier to remove black and white pigments than bright colored pigments. This is because bright colored pigments have absorption spectra that are located on the edge of emission spectra of the laser.


Lasers remove tattoos gradually and the complete results can be observed in one to two months. The patient must have several repeat visits for the laser treatment to be done so as to achieve complete results. The process of absorption of the ink pigments by body mechanisms is gradual and during this time, the tattoo can be observed to fade gradually till it finally disappears.


For the laser tattoo removal method to work effectively energy emissions must penetrate deep enough into the skin to reach the dermis. Strong emissions also serve to break down the particles so that they can be absorbed into the body.


Notably though is that the light emitted by the laser must of a color that is easily absorbed by the ink pigment that is targeted for removal than surrounding human body tissues. The desired result in this case is that the ink pigments forming the tattoo are broken down while the skin is not affected by the emissions in any way.

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